- Balance for Runners
- Cool-Down
- Foam Rolling
- Foot and Ankle
- Marathon Training
- Mental Health
- Mobility for Runners
- Pain
- Running Injuries
- Running Performance
- Running Recovery
- Running Shoes
- Running Tips
- Running Training
- Strength for Runners
- Summer Running
- Thoracic Spine
- Treadmill Running
- Warm-Up
- Yoga for Runners
Chill Out: The Importance of Cooling Down After a Run
As a runner, I’m sure you have been told countless times that it’s important to cool down. Maybe you do it, but you’re not sure what to do or why you are doing it. Maybe you skip it altogether.
I’m a firm believer that when we understand why we are doing something, it tends to stick a little better.
Are You Doing Enough to Build Strength as a Runner?
Are you lifting enough weight or getting in enough reps to build strength as a runner? Find out if your current strength training routine is optimal to reach your strength goals in this article.
Side Stitch Solutions for Runners: Understanding, Managing, and Preventing
Have you ever felt a nagging or stabbing pain in your side while running? Side stiches in runners are very common, 70% of them will experience it within a year. Find out how to understand, manage and prevent side stiches for runners in this article.
Running with Pain: When to Push and When to Rest
As runners, it is not uncommon to feel pain when we run. Uncommon, however, does not necessarily mean normal. This article aims to shed light on the topic of running with pain. When is it best to rest and when can we keep pushing through the pain?
How to Apply the 80/20 Rule to Running
A question that often arises for runners is how intense each of their runs should be. It is often believed that doing MORE will get us better results, but research shows that we would be better off steering away from this mindset.
This blog post aims to clarify the intensity at which we should train as runners to get the most benefits and minimize stress to our bodies.
How Often Should You be Running?
When considering running plans, one of the questions I get the most as a physiotherapist is “How often should I be running?”. I would love to be able to give a one size fits all answer. However, like most things in the fitness and rehab industry, “it depends”. With this article, my goal is to shed a bit of light on this topic and establish the recommended number of times per week to run.