Mental Health April Edwards Mental Health April Edwards

Does Running Help with Mental Health?

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, I thought writing about how running can help in supporting mental health was fitting.

The physical benefits of running have been proven in many studies, but the mental health aspect still lacks high-quality research.

As runners, we know how much better a run can make us feel if we have a bad day or how it can help us work through some difficult times in our lives. But what does the research say?

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April Edwards April Edwards

How I Found Out I Had a Stress Fracture After a Marathon

I had done everything ‘’right’’ during my fall 2022 marathon training. I was getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night, I was fueling my body properly, staying on top of my strength training, and following my running program to a tee.

Yet, the week before my marathon, the thing I dreaded the most as a runner happened: a stress fracture. Only at the time, I didn’t know I had a stress fracture.

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