Running Tips, Marathon Training, Running Recovery April Edwards Running Tips, Marathon Training, Running Recovery April Edwards

I Finished a Race, Now What? A Physiotherapist’s Guide

So, you just finished a race, congrats!

Whether it was a 5k or a marathon, you should be proud of your accomplishment.

You may be asking yourself: “Where do I go from here?”. That’s a totally valid question and one that I can relate to.

The best way to have a successful post-run strategy is to be prepared. What you do in the hours and days following the race can have a significant impact on your recovery.

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Marathon Training, Running Tips April Edwards Marathon Training, Running Tips April Edwards

7 Things You Should Absolutely Do When Training for a Marathon

Even though I have been a physiotherapist for the last 10 years as well as a runner, I have made my fair share of mistakes when it comes to training for races. It’s always easier to advise people when you’re on the outside, but it’s not always as easy to implement the advice into your training.

Knowing what I know now, and having experienced training for multiple races firsthand, here are 7 things I would ABSOLUTELY recommend doing when training for a marathon (or half marathon).

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Running Tips, Running Shoes April Edwards Running Tips, Running Shoes April Edwards

When Should You Change Your Running Shoes?

You’ve probably heard the recommendation of changing your running shoes after a set distance or a set amount of time.

For example, shoe companies will sometimes recommend changing your running shoes after 500 kilometers or after one year. Not biased at all, right?

The truth is, there are too many factors at play to rely on blanket statements like these to change our running shoes.

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Treadmill Running, Running Tips April Edwards Treadmill Running, Running Tips April Edwards

7 Essential Treadmill Tips from a Physiotherapist

I’m here to tell you, a run is a run whether it’s on the treadmill or outside.

Although I do prefer running outdoors, treadmills have their own set of advantages. For example, they can allow us to run when the weather conditions aren’t optimal or when our running environment isn’t safe.

In this article, I’ll give you some great tips for treadmill running so that you can make the most out of your next indoor workout. Let’s dive in!

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Running Tips, Mental Health April Edwards Running Tips, Mental Health April Edwards

7 Mental Tricks to Help You Run Longer

How many times have you heard the saying “Mind over matter”? It refers to the fact that we can control our physical body with one powerful tool: the mind.

This applies to running as well. I always surprise myself with how far I can go when I actually change my mindset. The more I resist and keep telling myself that “I’m in hell” (not being dramatic at all), the harder the run gets.

However, in my 10+ years of experience as an endurance runner, I have picked up some mental tips and tricks along the way that have helped me go the distance. I will share these tips with you today in this blog post so you can use them on your next run when you feel like you’re struggling.

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